Myrtos Consultancy

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Trainer- enabling a fair chance
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07516 872664

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Myrtos Consultancy

Myrtos Consultancy has over 12 years’ experience working in criminal justice in both a custodial and community setting, and has a passion to see more people who have a criminal conviction in sustainable employment. We deliver informative and interactive workshops (in person or online) which break down misconceptions about criminal justice. Our workshops educate and empower you, and your team, so that you feel confident to hire and support someone who has a criminal record. Over 80% of employers who have hired someone with a criminal conviction have positively rated their reliability, motivation, performance, and loyalty. Yet, only 17% of people leaving prison manage to get a job within a year of release despite them being hardworking and having numerous transferable skills (MOJ website). You may have concerns around risk. Risk to your business, risk to your clients and risks to your staff. Myrtos Consultancy understands that. We have worked directly with those who have a criminal record and can support you in knowing how to mitigate risk, as well as what additional support can be implemented to ensure a successful outcome. We will also signpost you to trusted organisations who can support you in finding the best candidate for your company, saving you recruitment costs and giving you more peace of mind. If you’re willing to see beyond the crime and invest in someone regardless of their past, then let’s talk about how we can equip and empower you.

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