We understand each client’s IT solutions are unique and so needs to be designed to work for them. We provide new clients a free review of their usage and see where we can save them money and time with what they're working with currently and modernise their use across multiple platforms giving them the freedom of being able to work from anywhere, any device, via the cloud. Our comprehensive support services range from specialist help for in-house IT teams, through to the total outsourcing of all aspects of system provision, including help-desk, problem-solving, repair, disaster recovery and maintenance, to keep your staff working efficiently at all times. For clients who want to outsource all aspects of IT service provision, we offer our own cloud based hosted services. RentedApps allows you and your staff to access and run your applications, with your own data, wherever and whenever you want via a remote desktop. You can be static or on-the-move, and use any suitable hardware item, such as a Smartphone, Notepad, Laptop, or Computer. Rest assured that your data is secure with SES, and emails will be looked after in accordance with your wishes. Flexibility is the key, giving you the ability to scale up or down as your business grows and changes. The basis of our approach is to build long-term relationships with all our customers, thus underpinning our success and growth.
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