Heather Angell

Empowering every employee – Understanding why wellbeing at work isn’t working

October 2024
11:50am - 12:10pm
£20 per person or £15 for Connect Business Club members/exhibitors (code required)
Seminar Room

Event Overview

This talk explores the disconnect between increased mental health awareness and rising mental ill-health in the workplace. It challenges the effectiveness of superficial wellness initiatives, highlighting how real-world stresses significantly impact employee well-being. We’ll explore how traditional coping mechanisms and stigma around mental health often render well-intentioned workplace programs ineffective. This presentation offers practical solutions for fostering an inclusive company culture from the bottom up. It emphasises the importance of understanding individual team members' needs and breaking down stigmas, especially among men and high performers. This is your opportunity to understand the impact your wellbeing strategy can have to the success of your business, without the jargon and overwhelm, in less than 20 mins.

Speaker Bio

With over 16 years of leadership & mentoring experience Heather is dedicated to empowering others to live a life of meaning and purpose, both within and outside the workplace.

Through her workshops and talks, Heather creates a safe space for organisations to evaluate the company culture & discover practical strategies to make impactful changes that empower each and every team member.

As a Trauma Informed Therapist Heather is passionate about promoting mental health and wellbeing, striving to bridge the gap between knowledge and practice.


When & Where


Heather Angell

for speed networking

at the

Business Expo taking place on



October 2024



11:50am - 12:10pm

in the seminar room. The expo is completely free to attend and you can simply turn up for this session.

Please note that you do not need tickets for the seminars or speed networking sessions. You only need to register to attend the main event. All other activities are on a first come, first served basis.

Get your tickets on Eventbrite

Keynote Speaker

Speed Networking

Heather Angell

Heather Angell

Speaker Agenda

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