Vicki Robb

How can brands consistently deliver customer joy?

February 2025
11:50am - 12:10pm
£20 per person or £15 for Connect Business Club members/exhibitors (code required)
Seminar Room

Event Overview

Marketing teams are so often responsible for setting customer expectations. Not only for the products and services they sell, but also for their overall brand experience. So often these experiences fall short and customers are left feeling frustrated. Come along and find out how brands can consistently deliver customer joy.

Speaker Bio

Hi, I'm Vicki, I am a marketing operations consultant specialising in delivering business growth and efficiency by strategically delivering improvements to businesses; people, processes, technology and data. I am also the host for The Marketing Meetup Winchester, we run quarterly marketing networking events that focus on growing a local marketing and business network. In my spare time I am mostly found out walking with my dog and can occasionally be spotted frequenting some of the Winchester pubs.

When & Where


Vicki Robb

for speed networking

at the

Business Expo taking place on



February 2025



11:50am - 12:10pm

in the seminar room. The expo is completely free to attend and you can simply turn up for this session.

Please note that you do not need tickets for the seminars or speed networking sessions. You only need to register to attend the main event. All other activities are on a first come, first served basis.

Get your tickets on Eventbrite

Keynote Speaker

Speed Networking

Vicki Robb

Vicki Robb

Speaker Agenda

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