Dawn Gregory

Confidence is an inside job

November 2024
10:50am - 11:10am
£20 per person or £15 for Connect Business Club members/exhibitors (code required)
Seminar Room

Event Overview

There are times in our lives when we feel supremely confident and otherswhen we feel our confidence has deserted us - that just means we're human.

 But what if we could put more probability on maintaining and/orenhancing confidence in our business and our lives?

 Dawn will guide you through a simple exercise she has used to help her clients to help them regain their awesome.   This can start you on the road to enhanced confidence - all you need to do is give it a try!.  This will be an interactive session rather than "sit and listen" so you can experience a clear strategy to move your confidence from where it is now to where you would like it to be.

Speaker Bio

Dawn is a Confidence Coach and Mentor who works with business professionals who know how powerful speaking is for enhancing their brand and growing their
business or career. In an ever-competitive business environment, it is so important to have clients know, like and trust you quickly. Being able to speak your story is
an important tool for this. Dawn helps you to overcome limiting beliefs, and develop your story and your speaking voice. After working with Dawn, her clients have gone on to present on the international stage and take part in webinars, radio interviews, podcasts and global summits. Her focus is to enable her clients to speak with clarity and confidence on any stage, in any boardroom, in any meeting online or offline.

When & Where


Dawn Gregory

for speed networking

at the


Business Expo taking place on



November 2024


The Coppid Beech


10:50am - 11:10am

in the seminar room. The expo is completely free to attend and you can simply turn up for this session.

Please note that you do not need tickets for the seminars or speed networking sessions. You only need to register to attend the main event. All other activities are on a first come, first served basis.

Get your tickets on Eventbrite

Keynote Speaker

Speed Networking

Dawn Gregory

Dawn Gregory

Speaker Agenda

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