Nathan Littleton

The Email Marketing Blueprint

November 2025
10:50am - 11:10am
£20 per person or £15 for Connect Business Club members/exhibitors (code required)
Seminar Room

Event Overview

While other marketing methods have come and gone, email marketing continues to be one of the most effective marketing methods there is. Learning how to stay top of mind with your prospects and clients, and how to find the opportunities to sell without ‘being all spammy’ is the key to making it work for your business.

In ‘The Email Marketing Blueprint’, I’ll show you how to get the three pillars of effective email marketing working in your business.

Speaker Bio

Nathan Littleton is a marketer, professional speaker and author who specialises in helping businesses to grow by attracting and winning more customers. Each year he sends more than a million emails on behalf of his clients, and his proven track record has led to him working with leading brands including Microsoft, Virgin Care and the BBC. Nathan has built a reputation for his unique take on email marketing and growing businesses by sending truly un-deletable emails and made it his mission to give businesses the insights and tools to take their marketing campaigns from good to great.

When & Where


Nathan Littleton

for speed networking

at the


Business Expo taking place on



November 2025


St Andrew's Stadium


10:50am - 11:10am

in the seminar room. The expo is completely free to attend and you can simply turn up for this session.

Please note that you do not need tickets for the seminars or speed networking sessions. You only need to register to attend the main event. All other activities are on a first come, first served basis.

Get your tickets on Eventbrite

Keynote Speaker

Speed Networking

Nathan Littleton

Nathan Littleton

Speaker Agenda

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